
Pastoral Care and Support

There is a strong sense of community at ±¬ÁÏÍø. We aim to provide a caring and safe environment through our Pastoral Care structure, in which each pupil is able to realise their full academic, social, cultural and sporting potential. Our values are based on respect for every member of the community, on thoughtfulness and courtesy.

Every pupil has the right to look for happiness and security at school. We aim to instil high personal and social standards, within a friendly atmosphere, characterised by mutual tolerance in which pupils of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds, of all religious persuasions and of various levels of ability are welcome and supported.

We recognise that our pupils have various talents and differing rates of development and therefore attach great value to every achievement, however modest, which stems from their efforts. Therefore, we positively encourage an appreciation of, and respect for, the work of every member of our community.

We expect our pupils to do their best to aspire to excellence, to be diligent, honest, reliable, punctual, to take pride in their appearance and to practise good manners in their relationships with one another and with staff.

Through our pastoral structure, coupled with our programmes for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC); Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE) and Mindfulness training, we aim to help each pupil to understand themselves and others. We encourage our pupils to form a moral compass that reflects an understanding of fundamental British values and we support them to develop the resilience self awareness and soft skills that will enable them to become successful and valuable members of society.

The emotional health and welfare of each pupil is nurtured within the School to reflect these aims. We set great store by the way we care for every individual so that they can thrive and flourish. We seek to ensure that we provide a safe environment in which every pupil is respected and listened to by adults.

How is Pastoral Care delivered at Yarm?

In the Senior School, pastoral care is provided through our Year Group and House systems. Pupils in each year are part of a Tutor Group which meets twice daily with their Tutor and Associate Tutor. The Tutor and Associate Tutor have specific responsibility for monitoring the welfare and progress of each pupil in their group and they are the first port of call for pastoral matters.

There is a specialist team of Tutors for the First Year (Year 7), who help to manage the transition to the Senior School, but thereafter Tutors often remain with their Tutor Group for more than one year, getting to know individuals very well. The Sixth Form Tutors are also highly experienced in supporting students working towards university or future career goals. Heads of Year support each Tutor Team and the pupils in their year group.

In addition, senior staff also have pastoral responsibilities. The Senior Deputy Head is the Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding and Child Protection. The Head of Middle School is responsible for pupils in First to Fifth Year (Year 7 to Year 11) and oversees the work of the Heads of Year to provide the necessary continuity of care for pupils as they move through from the First Year to the Fifth Year.

The Head of Sixth Form is responsible for Sixth Form students and is supported by a Deputy Head of Sixth Form. The pastoral team is also strengthened by the support provided by our Emotional Health and Wellbeing Practitioner, a qualified counsellor and CBT therapist.

Every pupil also belongs to one of the four School Houses named after the northern saints : Aidan, Bede, Cuthbert and Oswald. Therefore, in addition to fostering a positive year group identity, the vertical House structure also ensures that pupils can form links with pupils across the age range.

Each House is led by a Head of House and many house events and activities are organised to help pupils to settle and form friendships. Older pupils enjoy helping younger ones within their House through a variety of social and charitable activities that take place throughout the year.

Partnership with parents to support our pupils

We are keen to work in partnership with parents to make sure that their sons and daughters are happy and fulfilled. If any parents have concerns regarding their child’s welfare, either in or out of school, they are encouraged to contact the pastoral team for support and assistance at the earliest opportunity.

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